Hawaiian Star Gate Opens After ‘Black Knight’ Satellite Activated
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
A secret report prepared by the Russian Federal Space Agency (FKA/RKA) circulating in the Kremlin today states that the new inter-dimensional “Star Gate” opened on 22 June off the
오늘 크렘린에 유포되고 있는 러셔연방 우주항공국(FKA/RKA)이 마련한 비밀보고서는, 태평양 중심부에 있는 허와이 제도 인근에서 6.22.에 열린 새로운 次元間 “스타 게이트”는 “黑騎士로 알려진 우리 지구를 돌고 있는 미스터리한 고대 위성으로부터 放射되는 시그널에 의해 촉발된 것이라고 말한다.
Most interesting to note about this “Star Gate” was its being filmed [top video left] by a time-lapse webcam at the W.M. Keck Observatory which has the world's largest optical and infrared telescopes and is located at an elevation of 4,145 metres (13,600 ft) near the summit of Mauna Kea in Hawaii that when measured from its base is the tallest mountain on our planet.
이 “스타 게이트”에 대해 주목해야 할 가장 흥미로운 것은, 세계에서 가장 큰 光學/적외선 망원경을 가지고 있고, 그 基底에서 측정할 때 우리 행성에서 가장 높은 산인 허와이 마우나 케이어 정상 근처 표고 4,145m에 위치한 W.M. 캑 관측소의 시간 경과 웹캠이 녹화하고 있다[사진 좌측 맨 위]는 것이다
Though no official US explanation to this mystery has been given, Western propaganda press reports are speculating that this phenomena was caused by the launch of an American Minuteman III inter-continental ballistic missile, but which the FKA/RKA dismisses in their report by stating that no launchings of this type of missile was detected from North America.
The FKA/RKA in their report further state that the location of this “Star Gate” over the waters off Maui, the second-largest of the Hawaiian Islands after Mauna Kea, is “greatly significant” as this area is the largest breeding ground for North Pacific humpback whales who migrate to this region from their feeding grounds in Alaska.
The significance of whales to the FKA/RKA we had previously noted in our 23 May report “Attack On Japan, US Linked To ‘Alien Whale Race’ Nearing Earth” wherein we noted: “Going from the chilling to the downright shocking is this report further stating; that based upon the analysis of the electronic ‘signatures’ emanating from Titan, the Earth’s Moon and the believed to be ‘UFO fleet’ following in the wake of Comet Elenin (C/2010 X1), that is fast nearing our planet, the only, and logical, interpretation that can be made is that they are, in fact, ‘whale songs.’”
In this new report the FKA/RKA adds the mysterious “Black Knight” satellite to the growing number of outer space objects within our solar system that are now transmitting these “whale songs” towards our Earth for purposes that are as of now still not understood.
The name “Black Knight” refers to one or two artificial satellites discovered in our Earths orbit by the United States just prior to the age of space exploration, and as evidenced by the below posted 13-14 May 1954 news clippings from the St. Louis Post-Dispatch and the San Francisco Examiner talking about their discovery.
“黑騎士”란 이름은 우주 탐험 시대가 열리기 직전에 우리 지구 궤도에서 미국이 발견한 한 두 개의 인공위성을 말한다, 그리고 아래에 올려진, 그들의 발견에 대해 이야기하는 샌프랜시스코우 익제미너와 세인트 루이스 포우스트-디스패취에서 나온 1954.5.13~14. 뉴즈 클립핑이 증거하는 것과 같다.
As with all such discoveries of these types of phenomena by the
미국에 의한 이런 형태의 모든 발견에서처럼, “흑기사”위성은, 우리가 살고 있는 진실된 현실에 관해 미국민들에게 충격을 줄까 염려한 나머지 그들의 軍과 정보기관 내에서 가장 깊은 수준의 비밀로 맡겨진다(할당된다). 그리고, 특히 西方에서, 우리 人間種이 의존하는 가장 진짜 현실은 種의 편견(선입견), 다른 말로 하자면, 인간종이 지구에서 최고의 種이라고 믿는 것에 근거한다
The beliefs underlying this myth, however, are at extreme odds with the reality of the planet we live on that is over 71% salt-water oceans inhabited by giant air-breathing mammals whose members include the Blue Whale, the largest animal to have ever lived on this Earth, and the world’s largest brain of any animal that ever existed belonging to the Sperm Whale.
The size of the brain rather than appendages (arms, legs, hands, feet, fingers, etc.) as a determination of intelligent power was first explored by Russian psychical researcher Alexander Aksakof (1832-1903) who coined the term “telekinesis.” From his research Aksakof postulated that the power of the mind was infinite and by thought alone one could not only manipulate the physical world, but could also create entire alternate realities. With whales having the largest brains on Earth, Aksakof further postulated, it would stand to reason they, not humans, were our planets most intelligent, and hence powerful, species of life.
Important to note is that many of Aksakof’s theories have been supported in the field of science known as Quantum Mechanics that describes our reality as one of dual particle-like and wave-like behavior and interaction of matter and energy that proves that the underlying principals of all matter lies more in the realm of thought than anything physical. Albert Einstein (1879-1955), the German born American Physicist who developed the special and general theories of relativity and won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921, and a supporter of Aksakof’s theories, stated it best when he said: “Reality is merely an illusion, although a very persistent one.”
To why our planet would have as its most intelligent species a life form able to inhabit the deepest regions of our Earth’s seas lies in the ancient myths surrounding a mysterious planetary-sized object that transverses our solar system every few thousands years causing the poles to shift and, likewise, wrecking cataclysmic destruction. For those few human beings able to withstand this destruction these ancient myths further state their minds and memories will be totally destroyed due to the unimaginable destruction of their brains by electromagnetic energy forces underlying the shifting of the poles, that is unless they are protected in the deepest regions of our seas or in deep underground bunkers. [Note: For more information view 2nd video on left, Part 1 of 5 The Red Devil Planet]
왜 우리 행성이, 가장 知的인 種으로써 우리 지구 바다의 가장 깊은 지역들에 살 수 있는 생명체 형태를 가질 것인가 하는 이유는 수천 년 마다 우리 태양계를 통과하여 지축변동을 일으키고, 마찬가지로 격변적 파괴를 일으키는 미스터리한 행성 크기의 물체를 둘러싼(관련된) 고대 신화에 있다.
이런 파괴를 견딜 수 있는 소수의 인간 존재들에 대해 이들 고대 신화는, 우리 대양의 가장 깊은 지역이나 깊은 지하 벙커에서 보호 받지 않는다면, 지축변동에 근원적인 전자기 에너지에 의해 그들 뇌의 상상할 수 없는 파괴 때문에 그들 마음과 기억들은 완전히 파괴될 것이라고 敷衍하고 있다. [더 많은 정보를 위해 왼쪽 두 번째 비디오 붉은 악마 행성 5의 1]
The reality of a massive shifting of our Earths poles is now being recognized by the main stream media [see bottom video left] as well as numerous reports coming from the native peoples in the Arctic regions that the Sun is now appearing on the horizon in places it has never been before, including the Inuit peoples of Arctic Canada who have reported to the United Nations that the sun has, indeed, changed its position.
태양이 정말로 그 (뜨는) 위치를 변경시켰다고 유엔에 보고한 캐너더 북극의 이뉴잇族을 포함하여, 태양이 이제 전에 없었던(떠오르지 않았던) 장소에서 수평선상에 떠오르고 있는 북극지역에 사는 토착민들로부터 나오는 수많은 보고는 물론이고, 우리 지구의 지축의 대대적인 변경이라는 현실은 이제 주류 언론[왼쪽 밑의 비디오]에 의해 인식되고 있다.
http://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index1497.htm <<<<== 사진이 나오지 않을 때 여기를 클릭해서 보세요
The relationship, so to speak, between human beings and the true “whale masters” of our Earth was described by the ancients in the story known as Jonah and the Whale. Jonah lived in the 7th Century B.C. and was and important prophet still revered by the Christian, Hebrew and Islamic religious faiths.
말하자면, 우리 지구의 인간종과 진짜 “훼일(고래) 매스터즈” 사이의 관계는 요나와 고래로 알려진 이야기에서 고대인들이 묘사했다. 요나는 기원전 7세기에 살았고 기독교, 유대인(유대교) 그리고 이슬람의 종교적 믿음에 의해 여전히 존경 받는 중요한 예언가이다.
According to the ancient writings about Jonah he was ordered by God to go to the city of
Up until recently this was the accepted story of Jonah and the Whale when a group of independent researchers in
And in the context of the story of Jonah and the Whale, this research sheds new light on whales because when this story is translated according to The Chronicle Project, Jonah is not “swallowed” by a “large fish,” but is instead “transported” to the “sky home” of the “levitations of the deep sea” [whales] that “circles the heavens” above the Earth where he was shown “all things that were and all things to come.”
The great Albert Einstein, perhaps, once summed up this mysterious world we inhabit by saying:
Unfortunately for all of us living today, in a world gone mad, these words have been forgotten. One can only hope that they will be remembered by those that survive the abyss we are all headed for.
© July 3, 2011 EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.
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