[스크랩] 스몰빌 대본 2x23 (시즌2 완료)

kongbak 2011. 5. 16. 11:11

Exodus (2)






Act 1 Teaser


We see the open door to the underground storm cellar on the Kent property. Night. The gold light is still shining out of it.


CUT TO Clark coming down the stairs, the light reflecting off his face as a strong wind blows all around him. He sees the ship glowing and rising into the air. We hear the man's voice coming from the ship.


Voice: Fear not, Kal-El.

두려워 마라, -.


Clark: [Yelling to be heard over the wind] Who are you?



Voice: I am Jor-El... your father.

나는 -엘이다. 아버지다.


Clark: I thought you died!

돌아가셨다고 생각했어요!


Over the next line, the ship leans forward so that the front tip is pointing down at the ground.


Jor-El: I am his memory, his will. I am to fulfill his promise and guide you all the days of your life. You are the last son of Krypton.

-엘의 기억이고 의지다. 그와의 약속을 수행하며 네게 인생의 나아갈 길을 안내할 것이다. 너는 크립톤의 마지막 아들이다.


The wings of the ship fold in until all that is left of the ship is the egg-shaped pod.


Jor-El: When you traveled through the cosmos, you carried the hopes and dreams of your people. They now live through you, Kal-El. It is time.

네가 우주를 향해 떠났을 , 국민의 꿈과 희망도 함께 싣고 떠난 것이다. 이제 그들은 너를 통해 살아 있다, -. 이제 시간이 되었다.


The pod morphs into a perfect replication of planet Earth and the gold light is replaced by a blue glow.


Clark: Time for what?

무슨 시간이요?


Jor-El: Time to accept your destiny.

운명을 받아 들일 시간.


Clark: I don't know what you have in mind for me, but I--

나에게 무슨짓을 하려는지는 모르지만, 나는...


A shadow crawls over the small planet, as though the sun is setting. Then the golden glow of the sun shines from behind the planet.


Jor-El: By the setting of the sun Sol, you will return to me. Your destiny will be fulfilled.

"" 태양이 지기 전까지, 너는 내게 돌아올 것이다. 너는 운명을 따를 것이다.


Clark turns around and Lana appears there with Jonathan and Martha, bathed in warm light. They are all smiling at him serenely, not noticing the strangeness of the situation.


Jor-El: Your thoughts are not a mystery to me, Kal-El. These people have served their purpose. It is time to leave them.

네가 무슨 생각을 하는지 안다, -. 사람들은 자신의 목적을 이행해왔다. 이제 그들을 떠날 시간이 되었다.


Clark looks at Lana intensely, and she continues to smile. He reaches out to touch her face and his touch causes Lana, Martha, and Jonathan to disintegrate and disappear. He turns back to the ship, which has returned to the gold egg shape.


Clark: Please! Everything and everyone I love is here! In Smallville!

안돼요! 내가 사랑하는 모든게 여기 있단 말이예요. 여기 스몰빌에요.


Jor-El: You must let go of your past. I will guide you to your future.

과거는 떠나 보내야 한다. 내가 너의 미래로 안내하겠다.


Clark: No, I don't want your guidance! I want to create my own future!

당신의 안내따위는 필요없어요! 미래는 내가 만들어나갈 거예요!


Jor-El: You have no choice, Kal-El.

너에겐 선택의 여지가 없다, -.


The pod starts to spin until it explodes, sending out a blinding white light. Outside the storm cellar, the white light shines into the sky, and then abruptly goes out.




[Opening credits]



Act 1 Scene 1


Jonathan and Martha come outside and find Clark sitting on the front steps. Day.


Jonathan: Well, you're up early.

일찍 일어났구나.


Clark: [Unhappy] I never went to sleep.

한숨도 못잤어요.


Martha: Clark? What's wrong?

클락? 그러니?


Clark: [After a pause] I kind of met my biological father last night.

지난밤에 생부를 만난것 같아요.


He looks up at Martha, who shares a worried look with Jonathan.


CUT TO the three of them coming down the stairs of the storm cellar.


Clark: When I heard his voice, it was coming from the ship. But it sounded like it was from my own head. He said it was time.

목소리가 들렸는데 우주선에서 나는 거였어요. 그런데 음성이 마치 머리속에서 들리는 같았어요. 사람이 때가 되었다고 말했어요.


Jonathan: Said it was time for what?

무슨 때가 되었다는 거니?


Clark: To leave Smallville and fulfill my destiny.

스몰빌을 떠나서 운명을 실행해야할 때래요.


Martha: He said that?

그렇게 말하든?


They approach the ship.


Clark: I have until sundown today.

오늘 해지기 전까지 밖에 시간이 없대요.


Jonathan: Or what?

아니면 어떻게 되는데?


Clark: I'm not sure. He said I didn't have a choice. Why is it happening now when my life is just coming together? The farm's out of debt, I'm gonna be a big brother... Lana and I are finally getting together.

저도 모르겠어요. 제겐 선택의 여지가 없다고 말했어요. 인생이 피려는 순간에 이런일이 일어난 걸까요? 농장 빛도 갚고, 동생도 생기게 되었는데... 마침내 라나와도 사귀게 되었고.


Martha: Whatever your biological father may have had in mind for you, they're his hopes and dreams, not yours.

생부께서 뭐라고 말씀하셨든, 그건 그분의 바람이고 꿈이지, 꿈은 아니지 않니.


Jonathan: Clark, you choose your own destiny. Nobody can decide that for you, son.

클락, 운명은 네가 선택하는 거야. 누구도 대신해서 결정 수는 없다.


Clark looks at both of his parents very seriously. He takes a step toward them.


Clark: This is my home. And you're my parents. It's where I belong, and I'm not going anywhere.

집은 여기예요. 그리고 두분이 부모님이시구요. 제가 있어야 곳은 여기이고, 아무데도 가지 않을 거예요.


He looks down at the ship and then back at his parents.



Act 1 Scene 2


There is a stack of wrapped wedding gifts in Lex's study. Day. Lex is standing behind the desk looking at the vial of blood from Helen's office. He steps out of his study and sees Helen and Lionel talking down the hall. Helen gives an envelope to Lionel and walks toward Lex.


Lex: I haven't seen you two together since, um, well Dad, since you tried to bribe Helen into dumping me.

두분이 함께 있는 본게 그날 이후 처음 이군요, 그날이... 아버지께서 헬렌에게 차버리라고 설득하시던 날이던가요.


Lionel: [Brief chuckle] And now Dr. Bryce refuses to accept this, my wedding gift to her. [He indicates the envelope] If you two, uh, star-crossed lovers will excuse me.

닥터 브라이스가 이젠 이것마저도 거절하는구나, 내가 주는 결혼 선물인데. 빛나는 연인이 만났으니, 이만 실례하겠다.


Lionel walks between them and down the hall, leaving.


Lex: [To Helen] You, uh, you want to tell me what that was all about?

무슨 일이 있었는지 얘기해줄거지?


Helen: Exactly what your father said. You know what? I'm tired of being a pawn in this never-ending struggle.

당신 아버지가 말씀하신 그대로예요. 끝없는 싸움의 볼모 역할하는데 지쳤어요.


Helen goes into the study and Lex follows her.


Lex: We both said some things last night. I don't want to go into this marriage with any secrets between us.

어제 밤에 얘기 했던 말이야. 우리 사이에 비밀을 남겨두고 결혼하고 싶지 않아.


Helen: I haven't held anything back.

감추는 없어요.


Lex walks to the desk and opens the box revealing the metal vial. He hands it to Helen.


Lex: I have. Look inside.

있어. 안을 들여다 .


She opens it and finds the vial of blood. She looks at Lex, shocked.


Lex: I did break into your office, and that's what I was after. I told you because I'm trying to break the cycle. I don't want to be the person who did this anymore.

당신 사무실에 몰래 들어갔었어, 그리고 이게 바로 내가 찾던 거야. 고리를 끊으려고 애쓴다는 얘길 당신에게 했었지. 더이상 이런 짓을 하고 싶지 않아.


Helen: [Near tears] But you did do it, Lex. You committed a crime. You violated my privacy and that of my patients.

하지만 당신은 했잖아요, 렉스. 범죄를 저지른 거라구요. 나와 환자의 사적인 영역을 침범했어요.


Lex: I know.



Helen: What did you think would happen? That you'd give it back, tell me what you did, and I'd just forgive you and we would live happily ever after?

어떻게 될거라 생각했어요? 이걸 돌려주며 당신이 한짓을 고백하면 내가 순순히 용서해주고 영원히 행복하게 살거라고 생각한 거예요?


Lex: I don't know what I expected. All I know is that I love you.

바라고 건진 나도 몰라. 내가 아는건 당신을 사랑한다는 거야.


Helen: I'm sure in some part of that twisted mind you do.

당신이 행동도 삐뚤어진 마음의 일부분이예요.


Helen starts to walk away.


Lex: I didn't have it analyzed.

나도 분석해보진 않았어.


Helen turns around.


Helen: What was so important about this blood, anyway?

그건 그렇고, 혈액이 그렇게 중요한 거예요?


Lex: I thought it would give me the answers I've been looking for.

내가 찾고 있는 해답을 주지 않을까 생각했어.


Helen: All it did was end this relationship.

우리 관계를 끝맺는 결말을 주었을 뿐이예요.


She turns around and leaves. Lex hangs his head.



Act 1 Scene 3


Clark and Lana are sitting on a blanket in a field near their horses. Day. Clark is sitting upright holding Lana who is leaning on his chest. He looks unhappy and Lana senses that something is wrong.


Lana: Are you okay?



Clark: Yeah, I'm great.

, 괜찮아.


Lana pulls back so she can look into Clark's eyes.


Lana: You know, I can always tell when you're being less than truthful.

있잖아, 네가 뭔가 숨기는 같을때도 항상 네편이었어.


Clark: It's just that... I've waited for this for so long, for us. I just don't want it to go away.

그게... 시간을 오랜동안 기다려왔어, 우리 이렇게. 그걸 떠나보내고 싶지 않아.


Lana: I'm not going anywhere.

아무데도 가지 않아.


Clark: [Whispered] Neither am I.

나도 그래.


They kiss each other heavily. When they pull away, Lana's eyes remained closed, a look of bliss on her face. Clark smiles and kisses her on the forehead.


Clark: So, uh, does this mean you're officially my date to Lex's wedding?

그럼, 렉스의 결혼식이 끝나면 우리 정식으로 데이트 하는 거지?


Lana: [Laughs] Only after we officially tell Chloe about our change in status. Clark, I've been avoiding her all day.

클로이에게 우리의 상황이 변했다는 얘기를 정식으로 다음에. 클락, 하루종일 그애를 피해다녔어.


Clark thinks about this for a moment.


Clark: All right, just let me tell her. Chloe and I agreed that we'd be upfront about things like this.

알았어, 내가 얘기할께. 클로이와 이런 문제에 대해서는 서로 솔직하기로 했거든.


Lana: Well, I'm sure if we're honest, she'll be fine.

우리가 솔직하게 대하면 그애도 괜찮을 거야.


Clark raises his eyebrows hopefully.



Act 1 Scene 4


Clark is looking at a newspaper in Lex's study. Day. There is a picture of Lionel with an article entitled "Luthor Senior Spelunks Junior from Caves." Lex enters, seeing the paper.


Lex: I never realized the small town press could be so pithy.

작은 마을의 신문이 이렇게 핵심을 찌를수 있을지 몰랐어.


Clark: What do you think your father's up to?

루더 아저씨가 어떻게 같아요?


Lex: Apparently he's already got a team working overtime installing some pretty sophisticated machinery down there.

이미 정교한 기계를 설치하는 작업에 착수하고 계실거야.


Clark: What for?



Lex: [Sitting behind the desk] I wish I could tell you, but I'm the last person he'd ever let back into those caves. He's tightened security. I doubt even you'll be able to get past.

나도 대답해주고 싶지만, 무덤에는 나도 들어갈 수가 없어. 보안을 강화하셨더군. 너도 들어갈 없을거야.


Clark looks at Lex stubbornly.


Clark: [Changing the subject] Uh, where's this tailor? I'm kind of pressed for time today.

양복 맞추는 분은 어디 계세요? 오늘 바쁜데.


Lex: I canceled him.



Clark: Why?



Lex: Because Helen's not walking down the aisle tomorrow.

헬렌이 내일 식장에 나타나지 않을 거거든.


Clark: I saw her last night. She seemed really happy.

어제밤에 보니까 정말 행복해 보이던데.


Lex gets up from the desk and walks to the middle of the room, facing away from Clark.


Lex: Yeah, well, a lot can change in 24 hours.

그래... 그랬지, 하루면 많은 것이 변하기에 충분해.


Clark: Why'd she break it off?

취소한 거예요?


Lex: [Turning to face Clark] I've always been fighting my destiny, trying to avoid becoming my father. But we all have certain genes that, no matter how much we want to change, dominate us.

항상 운명에 저항해 왔어, 아버지처럼 되지 않으려고. 하지만 아무리 변하려고 해도 우릴 지배하는 유전자가 있나봐.


Clark shifts his eyes, starting to understand.


Clark: What'd you do?

무슨 일이 있었는데요?


Lex: [Sitting in a nearby chair] I betrayed Helen's trust. Then I fought my own nature and did something very unLuthor-like. I confessed my sin, hoping she'd forgive me.

헬렌의 믿음을 저버렸어. 그리고선 본성을 버리고 아주 "루더"답지 않은 짓을 했지. 잘못을 시인하고 그녀에게 용서를 구했어.


Clark: [Sitting near Lex on the couch] My guess is she didn't.

그분이 용서를 안했군요.


Lex: Don't tell anyone, Clark. I want to hold onto my romantic notions for one more day.

아무에게도 얘기하지 말아, 클락. 하루만 낭만적인 기분을 음미하고 싶거든.


Lex gives Clark a small smile and lowers his eyes. Clark looks away and then back at Lex sympathetically.



Act 1 Scene 5


Clark enters the underground caves. Day. There is metal scaffolding and electronic equipment everywhere including a stand holding a plastic tube focused straight at the octagonal groove in the wall. Encased in the tube is advanced looking machinery. Suddenly we hear a switch and the caves fill with artificial light. Lionel walks around the corner.


Lionel: I'm gonna have to put a stop to these unauthorized visits.

허가 받지 않은 방문은 못하게 해야겠구나.


Clark: Mr. Luthor.



Lionel: What are you doing here?

여기서 뭐하는 거냐?


Clark: I was just curious.

그냥 궁금해서요.


Lionel laughs.


Lionel: I suppose so. According to poor Dr. Walden, you're talked about quite a bit on these walls. Apparently you are going to rule us all.

그렇겠지. 불쌍한 월든 박사 말로는 벽에 얘기가 가득하다더군. 네가 우리 모두를 지배할 거라더구나.


Clark: I'm surprised someone like you, Mr. Luthor, would put stock in anything he had to say.

아저씨 같은 분이 그런 말에 기울인다는 사실이 놀랍네요.


Lionel: I know you worked closely with the man, Clark. I'm sure there are insights you could give me. It would be extremely helpful.

네가 사람과 연관되었다는 안다. 내게 줄만한 정보가 있을 같은데. 아주 유용할 거야.


Clark: He didn't tell me anything.

저한텐 아무 얘기도 안했어요.


Lionel: Hmm.


Clark: What's with all the machinery?

기계는 뭐죠?


Lionel: [Looking around] I'm going to unlock the secrets hidden in these walls.

벽에 감춰진 비밀을 모두 풀어헤칠꺼다.


Clark: Didn't you see what happened to Dr. Walden? It's dangerous.

월든 박사님에게 일어난 모르세요? 위험해요.


Lionel: Yes, but I have something he didn't. The key. Once I insert that key into the slot, I'm convinced the answers will be revealed to me.

그래, 하지만 그자에게 없었던 갖고 있지. 열쇠말이다. 내가 열쇠를 구멍에 넣으면 내게도 해답이 보일 거라고 확신한다 .


Clark: I don't understand. I thought the key was stolen from your vault.

이해가 안되는군요. 열쇠는 금고에서 도난당했잖아요.


Lionel: [Coming closer to Clark] It was, but before it mysteriously disappeared, I had it analyzed. The composition was unique. There's nothing like it on Earth, with one exception. [He leans up to Clark's ear, and whispers] The meteor rocks found here in Smallville.

그랬지, 하지만 감쪽같이 사라지기 전에 분석을 뒀단다. 구성이 아주 독특했지. 지구에 존재하는 물질이 아니었다, 하나만 제외하고. 스몰빌에서 발견된 유성돌만 일치 했어.


He walks away from Clark.


Lionel: So I have fashioned my own key.

그래서 나만의 열쇠를 만들었지.


Lionel opens a small metal box and shows it to Clark.


Lionel: It's identical in every detail.

요소 하나하나가 똑같아.


Inside the box is a key, exactly like the one to Clark's ship, except that it is a bright shade of green and transparent.


Lionel: Isn't it beautiful? Look.

아름답지 않니? 봐라.


Clark grimaces, becoming sick.


Lionel: Clark? You don't look well. Are you all right?

클락? 안좋아 보이는데, 괜찮은건가?


Clark turns away and walks toward the wall, gasping quietly.


Clark: I'm fine. Just... be careful.

괜찮아요. 조심하세요.


Lionel: [Closing the box] Lionel Luthor's never gotten anywhere in life playing it safe.

라이오넬 루더 인생에 안전한 행동이란건 없단다.


Lionel puts the box down and looks at Clark excitedly. Clark lowers his eyes.



Act 1 Scene 6


Lana holds her dress up to herself, looking in the mirror in her room. Day. Chloe is standing in the doorway.


Chloe: I'm sure you'll render Clark speechless.

때문에 클락은 아무말도 못할거야.


Lana: [Startled] Chloe, hi.

클로이, 안녕.


Chloe: [Coming in] Be careful you two don't upstage the bride and groom.

너희 둘이 신랑 신부자리로 올라가지 않게 조심해라.


Lana: [Hanging up her dress] What do you mean?

그게 무슨 말이야?


Chloe: You two are going together, I assume.

둘이 아주 친해진것 같은데?


Lana: Yeah, yeah. As friends.

그럼, 그럼. 친구로서.


Chloe: [Pause. Then brightly] Right. Friends.

그래. 친구 좋지.


Lana: Have you seen Clark? He's been looking for you.

클락 만났니? 찾고 있는 같았어.


Chloe: No. Uh, I've been trying to track him down all day, but his parents said that he was mired in best man duties. Uh, when did you see him last?

아니. 하루종일 그애를 찾아다녔는걸, 클락이 신랑들러리역에 빠져있다고 그애 부모님이 그러시던걸. 마지막으로 본게 언제니?


Lana: Oh, um, I ran into him at the Talon. He, uh, wanted to talk to you, said it was important.

... 탈론에서 우연히 만났었어. 네게 중요한 이야기를 할게 있다고 했거든.


Chloe: Well, I guess it couldn't be as important as you thought. Have fun tomorrow.

생각만큼 중요한 얘기는 아니었나보다. 내일 즐겁게 지내.


Chloe leaves and Lana sits down on her bed with a sigh.



Act 1 Scene 7


Clark watches a brilliant orange and gold sunset from the loft. Day. Jonathan enters.


Jonathan: I figured this is where I'd find you.

여기서 찾을 알았지.


Clark: Just watching the sunset. I hope it's not the last one I see from up here.

석양을 바라보고 있었어요. 여기서 바라보는 마지막 석양이 아니었음 좋겠어요.


Jonathan: It won't be, Clark. [Puts his hand on Clark's shoulder affectionately] Son, it's just another sundown.

그렇진 않을 거다, 클락. 얘야, 그냥 하루해가 지는 거야.


Jonathan looks out at the sun sinking behind the horizon. Clark takes a deep breath, bracing himself as the sun goes all the way down. When the sun is completely out of sight, he and Jonathan look at each other, and Jonathan smiles, slapping Clark on the back.


Jonathan: Come on. Your mother's got dinner ready.

가자, 엄마가 저녁 준비 해놓으셨다.


Clark: Yeah, I'll be there in a minute.

, 갈께요.


Jonathan starts to leave.


Clark: Dad?



Jonathan: Yeah.



Clark: Thanks for always believing in me.

언제나 믿어주셔서 감사해요.


Jonathan: You're welcome, son.

별말을 다하는구나.


Jonathan leaves. We suddenly hear Jor-El's voice.


Jor-El: It is time, Kal-El. Come to me.

시간이 되었다, -. 내게로 오너라.


Clark looks around.


CUT TO Clark coming down the stairs of the storm cellar. The ship is hovering just above the ground, glowing slightly.


Jor-El: You will obey me, Kal-El.

너는 내게 순종할 것이다, -.


Clark: You're not my father. I won't let you control me.

당신은 아버지가 아니야. 당신 마음대로 조정하지는 못할 거야.


The ship turns so that the front is pointed at Clark. There is a white blast and Clark is thrown into the corner of the ceiling, upside down with his back against the wall. He screams, unable to move. His screams suddenly become more urgent and he rips open his shirt as a symbol is slowly being burned onto his chest.


Jor-El: This is the mark of your ancestors. You cannot fight it, Kal-El.

선조의 표장이다. 저항할수 없다, -.


Clark: Aaah!


Jor-El: At the zenith of the star Sol, you will begin your journey.

'' 태양이 극에 달하면 너는 여행을 시작할 것이다.


The ship lowers and Clark falls to the ground.


Jor-El: If you do not, you will hurt the ones you love most.

이행하지 않으면 네가 가장 사랑하는 사람들을 다치게 것이다.


Clark tries to get up and falls onto his back, revealing the complete symbol on his chest, still glowing slightly.


Fade to black.



Act 2 Scene 1


Clark leans against a fence outside his house. Day. He is holding Lana's meteor necklace that is now completely clear and harmless to him. Jonathan and Martha come outside, dressed for the wedding.


Martha: Clark! Why aren't you ready?

클락, 준비도 안하고 있니?


Clark puts the necklace in his pocket.


Clark: The wedding doesn't start for a few hours.

한두시간안에 시작하는건 아니잖아요.


Jonathan: Your mother wants to get a good seat, son.

엄마가 좋은 자리에 앉고 싶어서 그러는 거다.


Martha: I promised Helen I'd go early and check the flowers.

헬렌에게 일찍가서 꽃장식을 준다고 약속했단 말이예요.


Clark: Well, I gotta pick up Lana, so I'll meet you there.

저는 라나를 데리고 가야해요, 거기서 뵐께요.


Martha: We obviously have to get used to the fact that you have a girlfriend now.

네게 여자친구가 생겼다는 사실에 이제 정말 익숙해져야 겠구나.


Clark smiles half-heartedly. Martha looks at Jonathan, concerned.


Jonathan: Clark. How's it going today, son?

클락. 오늘은 어떻니?


Clark: Good.



Jonathan: No voice?

목소리는 안들리고?


Clark: [After a brief hesitation] No voice.



Jonathan: Looks like you're just gonna have to face the future the old-fashioned way.

전에 하던 방식대로 미래를 맞이해야 같아 보이지?


Clark: I guess so. It's pretty scary.

그런 같아요. 정말 겁나요.


Jonathan: [Chuckles] Yeah.



Jonathan and Martha start walking to the truck.


Clark: Mom?



Martha: Yes.



Clark: [Serious, sad] You look beautiful today.

오늘 정말 아름다우세요.


Martha: Thank you, sweetheart.

고맙다, 아가야.


Jonathan helps Martha into the truck and Clark is clearly distressed.



Act 2 Scene 2


Lex sits in the study, dressed in his tuxedo, and holding two wedding rings. Day. Helen enters, dressed casually.


Lex: [Standing up] Helen. You're here.

헬렌. 왔군.


Helen: I am so angry at you. What you did was unforgivable.

당신한테 정말 화났어요. 당신이 한짓은 용서할 없어요.


Lex: You're right.



Helen: [Walking past him and sitting down] But the farther I got from you and this town... I realized that while any sane person would've kept driving, I needed to turn around. I started to look at myself and the mistakes that I've made in my life.

하지만 당신과 마을로부터 멀어질수록... 제정신인 사람이었다면 계속 운전을 했겠지만, 차를 돌렸어야 했어요. 자신과 인생에서 저질렀던 실수를 돌이켜 보았죠.


Lex: [Sitting next to her] I hope I'm not one of them.

내가 그중의 하나가 아니길 바래.


Helen: No, Lex, you're not. That's the thing. I still love you.

아니에요, 렉스, 당신은 아니예요. 내가 깨달은건 당신을 여전히 사랑한다는 .


Lex looks at her for a long time, his face neutral.



Act 2 Scene 3


Clark opens his shirt in the storm cellar. Day. Pete looks at the symbol scarred onto his chest.


Pete: Oh, man. Does it hurt?

이런. 아프냐?


Clark: No. Not now.

지금은 안아퍼.


Pete: You got any idea what it means?

이게 무슨 뜻인지 알아?


Clark: [Walks toward the ship] It's my biological father's way of telling me I have to do what he wants. I'm afraid by noon, it'll control me.

생부가 원하는대로 하길 바란다는 표현방식인 같아. 정오가 되고, 내가 조정당하게 될게 두려워.


Pete: Your parents must be freaked out.

부모님이 무지하게 놀라셨겠다.


Clark: [Buttoning his shirt] I didn't tell them.

말씀 드렸어.


Pete: Why wouldn't you tell them, Clark?

말씀 안드렸어, 클락?


Clark: Because, Pete, I know what I have to do. They'll never agree with me in a million years. I have to destroy the ship.

왜냐하면, 내가 일을 알고 있거든. 수백년이 지나도 동의하지 않으실 거야. 우주선을 없애 버려야해.


Pete: What? Clark, no. This thing traveled millions of miles through space. I don't think we can dent it, much less destroy it.

? 클락, 안돼. 우주선은 수백만 마일이나 되는 우주를 날아왔어. 없애버리는건 고사하고 흠도 낼수 없을껄?


Clark: What if we had a Kryptonite key?

크립토나이트 열쇠가 있다면?


Pete: Clark, this is whacked!

클락, 이건 말도 안돼!


Clark takes Lana's necklace out of his pocket and shows it to Pete.


Clark: Pete... do you remember Lana's necklace?

피트. 라나의 목걸이 기억나?


Pete: Yeah, but what's that have to do with destroying the ship?

그래, 근데 우주선을 없애는 거랑 무슨 상관이야?


Clark: Everything, Pete. When Tina Grier tied me up down here, it nearly killed me. But before it could, the ship neutralized it.

상관있어. 티나 그리어가 여기에 쓰러뜨렸을 거의 죽을뻔 했어. 하지만 그전에 우주선이 목걸이를 중화시켰지.


Pete: You said the ship was protecting you.

우주선이 보호하고 있단 거구나.


Clark: What if it's actually protecting itself? Think about it, Pete. I'm from Krypton and so is this ship and what's the one thing that can kill me?

실제로는 자기 자신을 보호하는 거라면? 생각해봐, 피트. 나와 우주선 모두 크립톤에서 왔어, 죽일수 있는 유일한 물건이 뭐겠어?


Pete: So you're thinking that Kryptonite can destroy the ship. [Clark merely looks at Pete in response] Clark, it's too dangerous. Do you hear me? You've never done this before. You don't know what'll happen. It could kill you.

그럼 크립토나이트가 우주선을 파괴할 있다는 거야? 클락, 너무 위험해. 내말 들려? 이런거 해본적 없잖아. 무슨 일이 벌어질지 모른다구. 네가 죽을 수도 있어.


Clark continues to look at the ship.


Pete: Besides, where are we gonna get a Kryptonite key?

게다가 크립토나이트 열쇠를 어디서 구하겠냐?


Clark looks at Pete.



Act 2 Scene 4


The machine aimed at the octagonal groove in the cave is humming and moving as if taking measurements. Day. The cave is filled with workers and Lionel supervises, holding the metal key box.


Lionel: [To a woman typing on a computer] How much longer now?

얼마나 남았지?


Woman: Another ten minutes.

10 있어야 합니다.


Lionel: [Mildly annoyed] Another ten minutes.

10 더라.


Pete enters, yelling.


Pete: Hey, Luthor! I got something to say to you!

이봐요, 루더 아저씨! 말이 있어요.


Lionel puts the metal box down on a nearby metal stand.


Lionel: [Calmly] Security, get him out of here.

경비, 저애를 내보내게.


Two men try to grab Pete.


Pete: Don't put your hands on me! Get off me! [To Lionel] If these guys don't let me go I'm gonna lay a lawsuit on you so fast it's gonna make your head spin.

봐요! 들여보내주지 않으면 변호사를 선임해서 당신을 괴롭힐거예요.


Lionel: All right, all right, I'll talk him. [The men let Pete go] Do I know you?

좋아, 좋아. 내가 얘기하지. 내가 아는 아이인가?


Pete: Name's Pete Ross.

피트 로스라고 해요.


Lionel: [Trying to remember] Ross, Ross, Ross.

로스, 로스, 로스.


Pete: As in Ross Creamed Corn. You stole my family's business.

크림 콘의 로스예요. 당신이 우리 가족사업을 훔쳐갔죠.


Lionel: Yes. I overpaid for that ramshackle old factory.

그래, 쓰러져 가는 공장을 후한 값에 쳐줬지.


Pete: [Grabbing Lionel's jacket] Nobody in this town likes you!

마을에서 당신을 좋아하는 사람은 아무도 없어!


The two guards pull Pete back.


Pete: [To the guards] Don't touch me. You know you hate him.

건들지 말아요. 당신도 저사람 싫어하잖아요.


Lionel: I know that, but I value their hatred. I find it very useful. You see, people are always at their weakest when they're angry. Ask you father.

나도 알지만, 그들의 증오를 높이 사지. 아주 유용하거든. 사람은 화낼때 가장 약점을 드러내지. 아버지에게 물어봐라.


Pete looks over Lionel's shoulder and sees Clark super speed in and out of the room, taking the key box with him. He moves so fast, we see little more than a blur. No one else notices. Pete is obviously relieved.


Pete: [Calmer] I'll do that.

그렇게 하죠.


Lionel: [To the men] Get him out.



They start to grab Pete, but he pulls out of their grip and leaves on his own. Lionel walks to the stand and sees that the box is gone.


Lionel: No... no... NOOO!!! [He turns to Pete] You-- Search him. Search him.

안돼. 안돼. 안돼!!! ... 애를 뒤져봐.


The men start to search Pete.


Pete: Search me? What are you doing?

나를 뒤져요? 지금 뭐하는 거예요?


Lionel: Where is it?



Pete: Where's what?

뭐가 어디있어요?


Lionel raises his hand as if to strike Pete, but stops himself.


Pete: Careful, Mr. Luthor. You wouldn't want to look weak.

조심하세요, 루더아저씨. 약해보이고 싶진 않겠죠.


Lionel shakes his head at Pete angrily.



Act 2 Scene 5


Lex is standing in the wedding chapel, looking up at the stained glass window above the alter. Day. Jonathan and Martha walk up behind him. The chapel is empty except for a few decorators putting the flowers in place.


Jonathan: Lex.



Lex: Mr. and Mrs. Kent. Where's the, uh, best man?

켄트 아저씨, 아주머니. 들러리는 어디 있나요?


Martha: Well, you know Clark and punctuality have never been on the best terms, but he'll be here.

클락이 시간을 지키지는 못하지만 오긴 거예요.


Jonathan: I got you something.



Jonathan holds up an antique compass that opens like a pocket watch.


Lex: A compass.



Jonathan: Yeah, it's a Kent family tradition. My father gave me one on our wedding day, just in case I got lost going down the aisle.

켄트가의 전통이지. 아버지께서 우리 결혼식때도 내게 하나 주셨지, 내가 결혼식장에서 길을 잃었을때를 대비하라고.


Lex: [Touched] Thank you, Mr. Kent.

고맙습니다, 켄트 아저씨.


They shake hands.



Act 2 Scene 6


Clark walks into the loft, holding the metal box. Day. Lana is on the upper level, wearing her dress for the wedding.


Lana: Why aren't you dressed?

아직 입었어?


Clark: [Looking up at her] Wow.



Lana smiles. Clark looks down at the box and an expression! of dread comes over his face. He starts up the stairs and puts the box in his jacket pocket. Lana brings him his tuxedo.


Clark: Um, there's something I have to do first.

먼저 처리할 일이 있어.


Lana: What?



Clark: I can't tell you. Just know it's for us and our future.

말해줄 없지만 우리의 미래를 위한 거라고만 알아줘.


Lana: Last time a guy said that to me, um, he went off to war.

지난번에 그런말을 애가 전쟁터로 떠나더라.


Clark runs his hand softly down Lana's cheek.


Clark: You should go. I'll meet you there.

먼저 . 거기서 만나자.


They kiss.


Lana: Are you sure you're all right?

정말 괜찮은 거야?


Clark: Yeah. [He smiles] Go.

그럼. .


Lana: Okay.



Lana goes down the stairs.


Clark: Lana, I--



Lana stops about halfway down and turns around.


Lana: Yeah?



Clark: [Smiling through his pain] I just wanted to remember this moment.

그냥 순간을 기억하고 싶어서.


Lana smiles at him and continues down the stairs. On her way out the door, she looks slightly confused. Clark watches her go, taking a breath as the weight of the situation is evident on his face. He takes the box out of his jacket and continues to gaze longingly in the direction of the door.


Fade to black.



Act 3 Scene 1


The wedding chapel is full of seated guests. Day. Lex looks at his watch and goes to Martha and Jonathan who are seated in the front.


Lex: Any word on Clark? Helen's already circled the church five times.

클락에게서 소식 없어요? 헬렌이 교회을 다섯바퀴나 돌고 있어요.


Martha: He was coming with Lana.

라나와 오고 있을 거예요.


Martha turns around and sees Lana coming up the aisle. She comes to them and leans over the pew.


Jonathan: Lana, where's Clark?

라나, 클락은 어딨니?


Lana: He said he had something to do. It seemed important.

할일이 있대요. 아주 중요한 같았어요.


Martha turns to Jonathan, worried. They both stand up.


Lex: Mr. Kent.



Jonathan: I'm sorry, Lex. It looks like you're gonna have to start your wedding without your best man.

미안하네, 렉스. 신랑 들러리 없이 결혼식을 진행해야 같네.


Lex: We can wait.

기다릴수 있어요.


Jonathan: Hey, don't worry about Clark. You have far more important things to do here. Good luck.

클락은 걱정말게. 자넨 지금 훨씬 중요한 일이 있잖나, 행운을 빌겠네.


Jonathan and Martha leave.



Act 3 Scene 2


Clark comes out of the loft just as Chloe is driving up. Day. He check his watch and it's 11:50.


Chloe: [Getting out the car] Hey, Clark, I'm glad I caught you before the wedding.

클락, 결혼식에 가기전에 만나서 다행이다.


Clark: Chloe, what are you doing here?

클로이, 여긴 웬일이야?


Chloe: Is everything okay? I mean, I heard you were looking for me.

괜찮아? 찾는다는 말을 들었거든.


Clark: Yeah, um, I was, but... [He looks out toward the storm cellar] I can't talk to you right now.

, ... 그랬지, 지금은 너랑 얘기할 시간 없어.


He starts pushing her back to her car.


Chloe: What are you doing?



Clark: Look, I promise I'll find you later.

내가 나중에 찾아갈께, 약속해.


Chloe: Clark, I--

클락, ...


Clark: Don't worry. I'll find you, okay?

걱정마. 내가 찾아갈께, 알았지?


Clark starts to walk away and Chloe stands at her car, watching him.


Chloe: So how'd you decide? Rock-paper-scissors, coin toss, or did you just happen to draw the short straw?

그래, 결정은 어떻게 하게 된거야? 가위바위보? 동전던지기? 아니면 그냥 짧은 빨대 뽑기 같은걸 한거야?


Clark: Decide?



Chloe: [Walking toward him] Who was gonna tell me that you and Lana are together.

너랑 라나가 사귄다고 누가 말해줄 참이었니.


Clark: You know?

알고 있어?


Chloe: Yeah. I came over to the barn the other night to warn you about something.

그래, 너에게 경고해 줄게 있어서 어제 밤에 방에 갔었어.


Clark: About what?

무슨 경고?


Chloe: You know, it doesn't matter now. The point is I saw you and Lana in a major lip lock.

이젠 상관없어. 요점은 너랑 라나가 입술을 붙이고 있는걸 봤다는 거야.


Clark: I-I didn't mean--

... 그럴 뜻이...


Chloe: [Getting angry] Didn't what, Clark? Newsflash. You've always been in love with Lana. I tried to deny it, thinking that maybe we could work something out, but it's like fate, Clark. Inevitable, but always surprising when it actually happens.

뭐가 아니야, 클락? 특보군. 언제나 라나를 사랑했어. 우리가 잘해나갈수 있을거라 생각하며 부정하려 애썼지만, 이건 운명같은 건가보다, 클락. 피할수 없지만, 실제로 벌어지면 놀랍지.


Clark: I was gonna tell you.

너에게 말하려 했었어.


Chloe: Really? Because obviously it was on the top of your to-do list. You know, I can deal with the fact that you guys are together. It hurts, but I was prepared for it. But we just made a promise to be honest with each other, and you didn't have the guts to keep you word!

정말로? 분명히 네가 해야 목록의 첫번째였겠지. 너네 둘이 사귀는 이해할수 있어. 가슴 아프지만, 마음의 준비를 했었다구. 서로 솔직하겠다고 바로 얼마전에 약속했었는데, 약속을 지킬 마음도 없었던거야!


Clark: Chloe--



Chloe: Or was it just that it was too much fun making a fool of me that you couldn't reveal your secret? [She starts walking to her car] Have a nice life, Clark.

아니면 바보로 만드는게 재미 있어서 비밀을 말하지 않았던 거겠지. 어디 살아봐라, 클락.


Clark watches her drive away. Then he runs in the opposite direction.



Act 3 Scene 3


The Wedding March plays in the chapel and everyone is standing as Helen walks up the aisle in her white wedding dress. Day. She smiles at Lex and he smiles in return. She gets near the front and Lana is watching her, smiling but worried.


CUT TO Jonathan and Martha speeding home in the truck, clearly worried.


CUT TO Clark opening the door of the storm cellar. He grips the key box tightly and goes down the stairs. He approaches the ship, bathed in the foreboding blue light of the cellar, and holds the box in front of him. He takes a view breaths to prepare himself as he shifts back and forth on his feet and nods his head. Then he squeezes the box in his hands, crushing it, and revealing the Kryptonite key which immediately begins to glow and cause him pain.


Clark gasps a few times before falling to his knees. He is moving the key toward the groove in the ship with his right hand, which is already so weak that he has to hold it up with his left hand. The veins in his hand are a dark green and so prominent that they look like they are above the skin. Shaking, he slowly moves the key closer and closer to the groove, grunting as he finally gets it in and falls back onto the ground.


Immediately the surface of the ship starts to fester and burn in all directions from the key, accompanied by a sound of scraping metal. Clark crawls farther away as the ship continues to burn, rising jerkily into the air. Clark watches from the ground. The ship is trembling in midair, the burning surfaces sending out a green glow that fills the cellar as the screeching sound of the metal gets louder. The ship's shaking gets more and more violent until it disappears in a flash of white light.


Outside we see the door of the storm cellar sink into the ground and inside there is another burst of white light. It shoots out the door and straight into the sky and then sends out a ring of white energy expanding outward from the hole in the ground.


We see Jonathan and Martha driving, nearly home. They see the huge ring of energy, taller than a nearby telephone pole, shining and transparent, coming straight for them.


Martha: Aaah!


Jonathan swerves to avoid it and ends up driving into a field as sparks shower down from the telephone pole. The truck tips over and rolls several times, landing upside down.


CUT TO Lex's limo driving onto the airport runway. Lex and Helen get out smiling, and jog over to the LuthorCorp jet where a security officer is waiting outside the open door of the plane.


Man: Mr. and Mrs. Luthor, welcome aboard. It'll be a couple of minutes before we can take off. The tower's generator just kicked in. Seems the whole county suffered some sort of power failure.

루더 사장님, 루더 사모님, 어서 타시지요. 출발하기전에 몇분 소요될 겁니다. 관제국 기기에 잠시 문제가 있었습니다. 마을 전체에 전원 이상이 있었던 합니다.


Lex: Good. It'll mask our get away.

좋아요. 우리가 조용히 출발할 있겠군.


Lex gives the officer a playful slap on the shoulder and gets on the plane.


CUT TO Clark lying on the ground, covered in rubble. He coughs and starts to sit up, pushing a plank of wood off his stomach. His shirt is shredded into rags, the sleeves almost completely gone. His face and hair are smeared with dirt. He finally gets to his feet and looks around, stumbling as he is slightly off balance. The angle widens and we see that he is in what is left of the storm cellar: a giant crater in the ground. The stairs up to ground level are the only recognizable feature remaining.


Clark runs up the stairs and trips at the top, falling onto his face. He gets up and looks into the distance where he sees Jonathan's red truck upside down in the field near the barn. He super speeds over to it.


CUT TO the LuthorCorp jet. We can hear the engines powering up as Lex sits across from Helen in the lavish plane. She has two glasses of champagne, one of which she hands to him. He takes her hand.


Lex: [Toasting] To our new life.

우리의 새로운 삶을 위해.


Helen smiles timidly, not responding.


Lex: What's the matter?

무슨 문제라도?


Helen: Nothing. Everything's perfect.

아니요. 모든게 완벽해요.


They clink their glasses together and sip their champagne.



Act 3 Scene 4


Jonathan stands outside a hospital room where Martha is unconscious. Day. Three different doctors are taking care of her as Jonathan watches through the window. Clark enters the hallway behind him.


Clark: How is she?

엄마는 어떠세요?


Jonathan: [Quiet] Doctors don't know yet. [Pause] What did you do, Clark?

의사도 아직 모르겠단다. 클락, 무슨 짓을 거니?


Clark: I stole Lionel's Kryptonite key. I put it in the ship.

라이오넬의 크립토나이트 열쇠를 훔쳤어요. 우주선에 끼어 넣었죠.


Jonathan: [Walking away from the window, behind Clark] And why did you do that?

그런짓을 했지?


Clark: Dad, I lied about the voice. [He turns to face Jonathan who is leaning against the opposite wall, facing away from Clark] It did come back. It told me I had to leave by noon. I didn't have a choice, Dad. I had to destroy the ship.

아빠, 목소리에 대해 거짓말 했어요. 다시 소리가 들렸는데, 저더러 정오까지 여길 떠나라고 했어요. 선택의 여지가 없었어요, 아빠. 우주선을 없애버려야 했어요.


Jonathan: [Holding back tears] Why didn't you tell us?

우리에게 얘기하지 않았니?


Clark: I knew you wouldn't agree with what I did. Dad, I didn't want it to take me away from you. I'm so sorry for what I did.

제가 일에 동의하지 않으실 거란 알았으니까요. 아빠랑 엄마 곁에서 떠나고 싶지 않았어요. 제가 일에 대해 정말 죄송해요.


Jonathan: [Turns to Clark, angry] Your actions have consequences, Clark. Didn't your mother and I ever teach you that?

행동은 하나하나가 중요하다, 클락. 엄마랑 내가 그렇게 가르쳤든?


Clark: Yes, but--

, 하지만...


Jonathan: There's no time for excuses, Clark. It's too late. You didn't think this thing through. You had no idea what was gonna happen, and now... Now your mother is lying in a hospital bed.

변명은 필요없다, 클락. 너무 늦었어. 일이 빚어낼 일을 생각도 못했잖니. 무슨 일이 벌어질지 아무 생각도 없이... 지금 엄마가 병원에 누워 있잖니.


The doctor comes out of Martha's room.


Doctor: Mr. Kent?



Jonathan: [Composing himself] Doctor, how is my wife?

의사 선생님, 아내는 어떱니까?


Doctor: She has a mild concussion, but she'll be fine.

가벼운 뇌진탕이고, 좋아질 겁니다.


Jonathan: And how is our baby?

우리 아기는요?


Doctor: I'm sorry.



Jonathan stands motionless as the doctor walks away.


Clark: Dad...



Jonathan shakes his head, unwilling to listen. He goes into Martha's hospital room and slams the door behind him. Clark stays where he is, shaken.


Fade to black.



Act 4 Scene 1


Lana walks up to the hole in the ground where the storm cellar was. Day. Clark is standing in the middle of it, a dazed expression! on his face.


Lana: [Shocked] Clark, what happened? Looks like a bomb went off. [Coming down the stairs] Where are your parents?

클락, 대체 무슨 일이야? 폭탄이라도 터진것처럼 보인다. 부모님은 어디 계시니?


Clark: [Quietly, without looking at her] Hospital. They're fine. My mom lost the baby.

병원에. 모두 무사하셔. 엄마가 유산하셨어.


Lana: [Coming closer] The baby?



Clark: This is all my fault, Lana. I did this.

이게 잘못이야, 라나. 내가 그랬어.


Lana: How could you do this?

네가 어떻게 이렇게 할수 있다고 그래?


Clark: The same way I always do. I bring pain and suffering to everyone's lives.

하던 방식대로지. 모두를 불행하고 고통받게 하지.


Lana: Clark, that's not true.

클락, 그건 아니야.


Clark: Yes, Lana, it is. Lana, I've kept so much from you. If you knew the truth, you'd never talk to me again.

아냐, 라나. 사실이야. 라나, 네겐 비밀이 많았어. 네게 사실을 말하면, 나랑 다시는 말도 안할 거야.


Lana: I don't believe that.

그말 믿지 않아.


Clark: [His eyes fill with tears] I tried to cover up my past and push it away. I-I couldn't. [He paces around aimlessly] He said if I didn't go, everyone I love would be hurt. He was right.

과거를 감추고 멀리 보내버리려고 했는데 할수가 없었어. 떠나지 않으면 내가 사랑하는 사람 모두가 다칠 거라고 했어. 말이 맞았어.


Lana: [Coming closer] Clark, you're in shock. You're not making any--

클락, 충격 받은 거야. 아무 잘못도 하지...


Clark: [Pulling away] No, Lana, stay from me. Stay away from me before I hurt you too.

아냐, 라나! 나한테 가까이 오지 . 너도 다치기 전에 내게 가까이 오지마.


Clark runs up the stairs and away from the hole, leaving Lana confused and upset.



Act 4 Scene 2


Lionel pours a cup of tea for a guest in Lex's study. Day. The guest picks up the tea and sips it, but we can't see who it is.


Lionel: I'm glad you finally decided to accept my offer. You know, don't you, you have a very exciting future ahead of you, Miss Sullivan.

제안을 받아들이기로 결심했다니 아주 기쁘군. 자네도 알지? 자네 미래가 아주 흥미롭게 펼쳐질 거네, 설리반 .


We see that he is talking to Chloe.


Chloe: Well, opportunities like this aren't dropped on your doorstep every day.

기회라는게 매일 문을 두드리는 아니죠.


Lionel: Why the sudden change of heart?

갑자기 마음을 바꿨지?


Chloe: You were right about Clark. He wasn't who I thought he was.

클락에 대한 아저씨의 생각이 옳았어요. 제가 생각하던 아이가 아니었죠.


Lionel: [Unsurprised] Oh.



Chloe: I'm surprised I hadn't noticed earlier. So much for my crack journalistic instinct.

일찍 깨닫지 못했는지 놀라워요. 기자본능이 헛것이었나봐요.


Lionel: No, no, love has a way of blinding even the sharpest minds. We don't look because we don't want to see. But once love has been stripped away, then we see the real person clearly. They're revealed to us with all their flaws, their foibles, and their secrets.

아니, 아니지, 사랑은 아무리 예리한 마음도 가려버리기 마련이야. 보고 싶지 않기 때문에 보지 않는 것이거든. 하지만 일단 사랑의 꺼풀이 벗겨지고 나면 사람의 진면목을 명확하게 보게 되지. 모든걸 보여주지, 과장, 결점, 그리고 비밀까지.


Chloe blinks, only the slightest bit of nervousness showing on her face. Lionel looks at his watch.


Lionel: Oh, I've got a meeting. I'm sorry to rush you out like this.

회의가 있어서. 이렇게 급히 돌려 보내서 미안하군.


Chloe: [Standing] It's fine.



Lionel starts to walk Chloe to the door and she stops.


Chloe: Mr. Luthor? Why are you so interested in Clark?

루더씨? 클락에 대해 그렇게 관심이 많은 거죠?


Lionel: [Chuckles] You don't expect me to show you all my cards, now do you?

카드를 보여줄거라 기대하진 않겠지?


Chloe: No, I guess not.

아뇨, 물론 그렇지 않죠.


Lionel walks her to the door and opens it for her.


Lionel: All will be revealed in good time, Miss Sullivan.

적절한 때가 되면 모든게 드러날 것이네, 설리반 .


Chloe: [Smiling] Thank you, Mr. Luthor.

감사합니다, 루더씨.


Lionel chuckles good-naturedly and Chloe leaves. Once he closes the door, Lionel takes a silver LuthorCorp envelope out of his jacket pocket, seemingly the same envelope he tried to give to Helen. He holds it in his hand, contemplating.



Act 4 Scene 3


Clark walks to the window of Martha's hospital room. Day. Inside Martha is sobbing as Jonathan holds her in his arms.


Jonathan: I'm here, sweetheart. I'm here.

여기 있소. 여기 있어.


Clark touches his hand to the window, his own heartbreak showing on his face.


CUT TO Clark walking down the empty hall at school. He enters the Torch and goes to Chloe's desk, opening a drawer. He pulls it all the way out to look through it, then throws it on the ground and moves on to the next one. Pete enters.


Pete: Clark. I've been looking all over for you. I heard what happened.

클락, 온종일 찾아 다녔어. 무슨 있었는지 들었어.


Clark: [Still pulling out drawers] What, are you here to tell me I screwed up in some major way?

, 내가 아주 일을 망쳤다고 얘기해주려고?


Pete: No. Hey, listen, I'm sorry and I want to help.

아니, 내말 들어봐, 안타까워서 도와주고 싶은 거야.


Clark: It's too late for that, Pete. No one can help me now.

너무 늦었어, 피트. 지금 도울수 있는 사람은 아무도 없어.


Clark moves on to the other desk and keeps searching frantically.


Pete: Clark, what are you looking for?

클락, 찾고 있어?


Clark: I know Chloe kept one of those red Kryptonite rings around here somewhere.

클로이가 붉은 크립토나이트를 어딘가에 갖고 있단 알거든.


Pete: Yeah, well, what do you want it for? You know what it does to you.

그건 뭐하려고? 너한테 어떤 영향을 미치는지 알잖아?


Clark: Yeah. It makes me feel better.

그래, 아주 기분 좋게 해주지.


Pete: That's not the answer, Clark.

뜻이 아니잖아, 클락.


Clark keeps looking.


Pete: I saw Lana. I heard what happened to your mom's baby. Clark, you need to talk to your folks.

라나를 만났어. 엄마 유산 소식을 들었어. 클락, 가족과 얘기해봐.


Clark: [Finally turning to face Pete] I did talk to my parents, Pete! You should have seen the way my dad looked at me. It was like I was an alien. If I'd have done what I should've in the beginning, none of this would have happened.

부모님께 말씀드렸어, 피트! 아빠가 어떻게 바라봤는지 네가 봤어야 . 내가 외계인이라도 되는 같았다구. 처음으로 돌아갈수 있다면 이런 일은 일어나지도 않았을 거야.


Clark glances at the floor and sees a small ring box under the desk among the other things he had emptied out of the drawers. He kneels down to pick it up and opens it, revealing the red Kryptonite class ring. He starts to leave and Pete stops him.


Pete: Clark, don't do it. When you put that ring on, you're not yourself.

클락, 그러지 . 반지를 끼면 자신을 잃어버리잖아.


Clark: Exactly what I don't want to be right now, Pete.

그게 바로 지금 내가 바라는 거야.


Clark pushes Pete out of the way and walks out the door. Pete comes after him.


Pete: Clark!



Pete shakes his head, discouraged.



Act 4 Scene 4


Clark walks a motorcycle out onto the dirt road outside his house. Day. Lana walks up, worried.


Lana: Clark, where are you going?

클락, 어디가는 거야?


Clark walks away from the motorcycle and grabs his leather jacket from a bale of hay where it is resting.


Clark: Away from here.

여기서 곳으로.


Lana: The Clark Kent I know wouldn't run away from his problems.

내가 아는 클락 켄트는 문제가 생겼다고 달아나지 않아.


Clark: [Putting on his jacket and going back to the motorcycle] The Clark Kent you know is a lie.

네가 아는 클락 켄트는 거짓이야.


Lana: Why won't you let me in?

나는 껴주지 않는 거야?


Clark: Because, Lana, you won't like what you see.

라나, 네가 보게 것을 좋아하지 않을 테니까.


Lana comes to his side and grabs his arm, turning him around to face her.


Lana: I am not giving up on you.

포기하지 않을 거야.


Clark: No on can save me. Not even you.

아무도 구할 없어. 그게 비록 너일지라도.


Lana: [Starting to cry] Your parents need you. [Whispered as a tear rolls down her cheek] I need you.

부모님에겐 네가 필요해. 나도 네가 필요해.


Clark looks away painfully. Lana pulls his face back to her.


Lana: I love you, Clark.

사랑해, 클락.


Clark: I love you, too... more than you'll ever know. That's why I have to leave.

나도 사랑해... 네가 상상도 할수 없을 정도로. 그게 바로 내가 떠나야 하는 이유야.


He turns away from her and pulls the ring out of his pocket. He sits down on the motorcycle and puts the ring on, the red in his veins crawling up his arm and his eyes glow red briefly. He takes a breath, almost relieved as the pain leaves his features, and turns to Lana.


Clark: Come with me.

같이 가자.


Lana: Smallville's my home. It's your home too.

스몰빌은 고향이야. 고향이기도 하잖아.


Clark shakes his head and puts on his sunglasses.


Clark: Not anymore.

이젠 아니야.


He starts the motorcycle and speeds away, leaving Lana alone and in tears in the middle of the dirt road.



Act 4 Scene 5


We see the LuthorCorp Jet flying through dense clouds in the middle of a turbulent thunderstorm. Night. Inside, Lex is unconscious in his seat. Lightning flashes a few times and he slowly wakes up.


Lex: [Looking around] Helen?



Thunder crashes and Lex stands up. We can see the emergency oxygen masks hanging from the ceiling. The hum of the engines stops as they completely lose power, causing the plane to jerk. Lex grabs onto a seat to keep his balance.


Lex: Helen?!



Lex walks toward the front of the plane, the turbulence becoming more violent as he goes and he nearly loses his balance several times. He steadies himself in the doorway right in front of the cockpit. Then he lunges for the cockpit door and opens it. He freezes in fear at what he sees.


The cockpit is empty. The control panel has been torn apart, wires hanging down, and sparks flying everywhere. Through the front window, we can see the water of the ocean getting closer as the plane nosedives. Lex's eyes widen. The plane gets closer and closer until it finally hits, and the water crashes in through the windshield.


CUT TO Clark speeding down a country road on the motorcycle, an expression! of fierce determination on his face. We hear the voice of Jor-El.


Jor-El: You will obey me, Kal-El.

너는 내게 복종할 것이다, -.


Clark keeps going down the long straight road of Smallville toward the skyscrapers of Metropolis, just barely visible on the horizon.


Fade to black.




Episode #223 - "Exodus"


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