81. as.....as ~ : ~만큼 .....하다.

kongbak 2006. 7. 8. 14:25

81. as.....as ~ : ~만큼 .....하다.

  He is as strong as his elder brother.

82. be able to + 동사 : ~을 할 수 있다.(can)

  My brother will be able to swim soon.

83. be absent from : ~에 결석하다.   Jack is absent from school today.

84. at first : 처음에는, 최초로

  At first she didn't see me.

85. at first sight : 첫눈에

  The king fell in love with at first sight.

86. at last : 마침내, 드디어

  At last we got at the top of mountain.

87. at once : 즉시.(immediately)

  Come out at once.

88. at play : 놀고 있는.

  The children at play are my cousins.

89. be afraid of : ~을 두려워하다.

  Everybody is afraid of tigers.

90. be covered with : ~으로 덮이다.

  The mountain is covered with snow.

91. be famous for ; ~으로 덮이다.

  Cheju-do is famous for its Halla Mountain.

92. be filled with : ~으로 가득 차다.

  The glass is filled with milk.

93. be glad to + 동사 : 기꺼이 ~하다.

  I will be glad to help you.

94. get ~ in time : 시간에 대어 도착하다.

  I got there just in time.

95. be in trouble : 곤경에 빠지다.

  He was in trouble then.

96. be interested in : ~에 흥미가 있다.

  Are you interested in history ?

97. be late for : ~에 지각하다.

  I was late for school yesterday.

98. be pleased with : ~에 만족하다.

  She was pleased with her new dress.

99. be proud of : ~을 자랑하다.

  They are proud of their school.

100. be ready for : ~의 준비가 되어 있다.

  We must be ready for any change in weather.

101. be ready to +동사: ~할 준비가 되다.

  Are you ready to start ?

102. be tired of : ~에 싫증이 나다.   Are you tired of reading?

103. before long : 머지 않아

  Your sister will be back before long.

104. begin with : ~부터 시작하다.

  Let' begin with a cup of coffee.

105. bend down : 허리를 구부리다.

  He bent down to pick up a stone.

106. by chance : 우연히

  I met her by chance.

107. by oneself :홀로.(=alone)

  She went to Pusan by herself.

108. I'll call you up again. (다시 전화 걸께.)

109. call for : ~을 필요로 하다.

  Mountain climbing calls for a strong body.

110. care for :-을 돌보다. -을 좋아하다.

  She cares for the sick. (그 여자는 병자를 돌본다. )