41. have a good time : 즐거운 시간을 보내다.

kongbak 2006. 7. 8. 14:23

41. have a good time : 즐거운 시간을 보내다.

  They had a good time at the party.

42. have fun : 재미있게 놀다.

  Did you have fun at the party?

43. have to + 동사 : ~해야 한다.(must)

  You have to start early.

44. help ~ with ..... : ~에게 .....을 돕다.

My brother helps me with English.

45. Here it is. Here you are : [상대방에게 물건을 내 보이며) 여기 있습니다.

46. How about ~ ? : ~은 어떻게 생각하는가?

  I like music. How about you?

47. How  are you? : [안녕하십니까? (안부를 물음)]

    How do you do? : [처음 뵙겠습니다. (소개받았을 때의 인사)]

48. How much is this book? : 이 책은 값이 얼마입니까?

49. in a hurry : 서둘러, 허둥지둥

  He crossed the street in a hurry.

48. in good health : 건강이 좋은

  The old men are in good health

49. in the same way : 같은 방법으로

  You can answer in the same way.

48.many kinds of : 여러 가지 종류의

  There are many kinds of flowers in the garden.

49. last year : 작년에

  Mr. Brown came to Korea last year.

50. laugh at : ~을 비웃다. ~을 듣고 웃다.

  They all laughed at a joke.

  They all laughed at my idea.

51. leave for : ~을 향하여 떠나다.

  I'm going to leave for Pohang today.

52. Let's say good-bye. : (이제 헤어집시다.)

53. listen to : ~을 경청하다.

  You must listen to your teacher.

54. look for : ~을 찾다.

  What are you looking for?

55. look into : ~을 들여다 보다.

  They looked into the store.   

56. look like : ~을 닮다.(resemble) ~을 할 듯하다.

  Su-mi looks like her mother.

  It looks like rain.

57. look to : ~쪽을 보다.

  He looked to the left.

58. lots of : 많은(=many, much)

  Lots of roses were in the garden.

59. make the bed : 잠자리를 정리하다.

  Tom, get up and make the bed.

60. not A but B : A가 아니고 B다.

  This dictionary is not mine but yours.

61. on one's way back home : 집에 돌아가는 도중에

  On my way back home I met an old friend of mine.

62. on the other side of : ~의 건너편에

  He saw the bus on the other side of the street.

63. one minute, please. : (잠깐 기다리세요, 잠깐 실례합니다.)

64. over there : 저쪽에

  Who is the lady over there ?

65. pick up : (도중에서) 차에 태우다. (물건을) 집어들다.

  He picked up a stone

  I'll pick you up there at three

66. run a business : 사업을 경영하다.

  His father runs a small business.

67. stay in bed : 자리에 누워 있다.

  I stayed in bed all day.

68. take ~to : ~를 .....로 데려 가다.

  will you take me to the supermarket?

67. wait for : ~을 기다리다.

  She is waiting for a bus now.

68. what about : ~은 어떤가?

  What about you, Dad?

69. what's the matter? : (무슨 일이 생겼습니까? 웬일입니까?)

70. You are welcome. : 별 말씀을. 천만에.

 (상대방이 고맙다는 말에 대한 응답)]

71.after a while : 잠시 후에.

  He came back after a while.

72. all one's life : 한 평생

  She helped the poor all her life.

73. all over the world : 전세계적으로

  The musician became famous all over the world.

74. agree with someone : (어떤 사람에게)동의하다.

   agree to something : (어떤 일에)동의하다.

  I cannot agree with you on that point.

75. all the way : 도중 내내

  They walked to the village all the way.

76. along with : ~와 더불어

  He carried camera with him along with food.

77. not ~ any longer : 더 이상 ~아니다.(no longer)

  I cannot stay here any longer.

78. as a matter of fact : 실은, 실제로는

  As a matter of fact, Seoul is one of the biggest cities in the world.

79. as soon as : ~하자마자

  As soon as a squirrel saw me, it ran away.

80. A as well as B : B뿐만 아니라 A도

  The boy speaks German as well as English.