1. after school : 방과후에

kongbak 2006. 7. 8. 14:22

1. after school : 방과후에

  What do you do after school ?

2. again and again : 몇 번이고, 되풀이하여. (repeatedly),

  Read this sentence again and again.

3. all around : 도처에

  There were many flowers all around.

4. all day : 온종일

  She is busy all day.

5. all the time :언제나, 항상(always)

  Your teacher cannot help you all the time.

6. a lot of : 많은(many, much)

  She has a lot of books.

7. ask for: ~을 요구하다. 청구하다.(inquire)

  He asked for a glass of water.

8. at that time : 그 당시에는

  They were happy at that time.

9. at the same time : 동시에

  The two boys answered "yes" at the time.

10. be born : 태어나다. 탄생하다.

  My sister was born in Pusan.

11. be busy with : ~로 붐비다.

  The street was busy with many cars.

12. Be careful of : ~을 조심하다.

  Be careful of your health.

13. be different from : ~와는 다르다.

  English is different from Korean.

14. be from: ~출신이다.   The gentleman is from New York.

15. be full of : 으로 가득 차다.(= be filled with)

  The basket is full of pretty flowers.

16. be going to + 동사 : ~하고자 한다. ~하려고 한다.

  I am going to write a letter to my uncle.

17. be good to : be nice to : ~에게 친절히 대하다.

  Be good(nice) to other people.

18. be over : 끝나다.

  School was over at three.

19. be up : 떠오르다. 끝나다.

  Time is up.  /  The sun is up.

20. by bus : 버스로     by train : 기차로  on foot : 도보로

  I went to my aunt's by bus.

21. by the way : 말이 나온 김에, 그런데.(화제를 바꿀 때 쓰임)

  By the way, who is the man over there ?

22. catch(get, take) a cold : 감기에 걸리다.

  Close the window, or you will catch a cold.

23. climb up and down : 오르내리다.

  Monkeys climb up and down the trees.

24. come up to : ~에게 다가오다.

  An old man came up to me .

25. worry about : ~에 대하여 걱정하다.

  Don't worry about it.

26. do one's best : 최선을 다하다.

  Do your best.

27. each other : 서로 (두 사람일 때)

  one another : 서로(주로 세 사람일 때)

  The two boys always help each other.

28. get up : (잠자리에서)일어나다.

  I get up at six every morning.

29. Excuse me : 미안합니다만

  Excuse me, but will you show me the way?

30. fall off : (나무 등에서)떨어지다.

  Monkeys sometimes fall off trees.

31. get away from : ~에서 떠나다.

  They all got away there.

32. get off : (차에서)내리다. get on : (차에) 타다.

  Please get off at the next bus stop.

33. get together : 함께 모이다.

  All the family get together in the evening.

34. give a big hand : 박수 갈채를 보내다.

  Let's give him a big hand.

35. give up : 포기하다. 단념하다.(abandon)

  Don't give up your hope.

36. glad to meet you.(만나서 기뻐)

37. go on a picnic :소풍가다.(go for a picnic)

  My family will go on a picnic tomorrow.

38. go to sea : 선원이 되다.

  Columbus went to sea at fourteen.

39. go to work : 일하러 가다.

  He goes to work early in the morning.

40. have a good ear : ~을 잘 이해하다.

  She has a good ear for music.