[스크랩] on the spur of the moment 준비없이 무작정

kongbak 2010. 4. 21. 12:05

You can't buy a house on the spur of the moment = without planning or preparation

She was decked out = be dressed in formal clothes for nice accasions


The company has been in the black for the past six month.  =in good financial condition with no debt

see eye-to-eye = to agree or feel the same way


You have to set aside enough time to study for your class.  =reserve, allow, give a certain amount to


What time do you get to work?
After I get off work, I'll drop by your house.

It's not wise to burn the candle at both ends.   = very very very busy

I have to work my tail off.   = very very very busy


on a weekday / on a weekend


I just read the subtitles.  자막
movie buff  영화광, 영화전문

출처 : 즘즘나라
글쓴이 : 즘즘 원글보기
메모 :

'' 카테고리의 다른 글

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